Gym/Fitness Studio Membership Growth

Fueling Studio Growth. One Member At A Time.

Untap your studio's potential. More members, more money, & more freedom. Average gym generates 20+ new members per month!

Scale Your Gym/Fitness Studio

The right marketing system will generate consistent memberships so you can grow.

Our Gym/Studio Partners Average...

20 New Members Every 30 Days!

Over the years, we've identified that studio owners have no time to properly manage their marketing strategy.

Most are hustling everyday but they just don’t know how to market their studio to grow consistently. They feel like they’ve tried everything to fill their classes but nothing works.

Most believe ads attract tire kicker leads and simply don’t work. That or their lead costs are over $15 and it just keeps getting worse with no ROI.

So we decided to build the solution. Flash-forward to today, and for almost a decade now we’ve been helping studio owners build marketing systems that actually walk new people in their doors each and every month.

Case Study: How 35 Studios Average 100+ Paid Trials & 20+ New Members Every Month Consistently

We'll guide you step-by-step through a proven method, revealing how 35 studios are doing this.

Untapped Revenue Success Stories:

We’re honored to have worked with many fitness studios across the world. Check out what they have to say about us.

200 First Visits Consistently Every Month!

"You guys are such a hidden gem. With Untapped you can actually see your numbers, what you're converting, what you're bringing in

, and how well your studio is doing. We wouldn't be able to grow without you guys".

- Dimitri

Added 15K In Autopays In 6 months...

"we've been with marketing companies before but the only company we've actually been able to see results from is you guys". Lindsey added 15K in autopays in 6 months and can take profits from her business!

- Lindsey

From 20 to 120 First Visits Every Month !

Within the first month of switching over to Untapped Revenue Amber went from an average month of 20 new people in her doors to 120. Amber now has the freedom to travel, take time off, and not have to worry about where her next new member will come from.

- Amber

TRIPLED First Visits 5 Months In A Row...

If it weren't for Untapped we would not be open anymore. For the past 5 months we've tripled the amount of people through our doors and our membership has literally doubled.

- Kim

200 New Trials In 30 Days!

Jeannette had over 200 new people walk in their doors in under 30 days! The support and system we deliver has helped Jeannette's studio saves hundreds of hours while converting more members then she could imagine.

- Jeannette

100 New Members In 3 Months...

Sherry was struggling to get new clients in her studio. She felt hopeless until switching over to our system. After 3 months we were able to double her auto pay memberships to over 200. This excludes all the revenue generated from class pack purchases.

- Sherry

190 Trials & 30 New Members In 1 Month!

Within the first month of switching over to Untapped Revenue Hailey had 190 New Bodies in her doors and 30 new members! Hailey's favorite part of our system is how we take the workload off of her hands in regards to advertising, follow up, & booking first time visitors into her classes.

- Hailey

Consistent Growth For 5 Months & Counting

I'm surprised with how quickly we started to grow and it's been consistent... and you've been lovely to deal with, it's nice that I can just text you whenever I have an issue. We've already increased our sales and memberships so much since starting with you guys and August has been our best month which is typically our worst month.

- Colleen

70 New Members In 3 Months!

We were looking for a whole whack of new people in our doors and that's exactly what happened! We started at 122 members and are now at 192 members.

- Shawna

100 New Members Every Month In Summer...

I'm getting a minimum of 100 new members every month in June, July & August!

- Kerry

$7,000 Autopay Increase In 3 Months!

Within the 3 month of switching over to Untapped Revenue Rachel generated 220 new google reviews, $5000 in revenue over 1 weekend, and added $7000 in autopays!

- Rachel

163 Trial Sign Ups In 30 Days!

Within the first month of switching over to Untapped Revenue Dan generated 163 trialers and converted over 50% onto membership!

- Dan

58 New Members In 3 Weeks!

Within the first month of switching over to Untapped Revenue Todd generate $7,000 on the front end and grew his EFT by $4,000 in just 3 weeks! We actually had to shut off the system so they could catch up!

- Todd

$168,868 Generated In 2 months!

Elliot was struggling with their paid ads until switching over to Untapped Revenue. For his two gym locations they were able to generate 273 challenge sign ups at $499 each. That brought in $49,220.87 at one location and $119,647.40 at the other.

- Elliot

40 New Ideal Members For The Gym

Boz was struggling to get new clients in the gym that were a good fit for his program. After 3 months we were able to reach his goal of 40 new members that were a perfect fit for his gym.

- Barry

42 Trial Memberships After 1 Week!

When we started running ads for james the lead cost was $0.5 so after the first 6 days we generated 142 leads for a $17 paid trial. This lead to 42 trial memberships in 1 week of advertising with only $77 of ad spend.

- James

Stress Less. Do More.

Most fitness studio owners are overworked and underpaid. It’s easy to feel like a slave to your studio when you’re working all the time and barely staying afloat.

Figuring out how to build a sustainable membership growth system while juggling your employees, taking care of your members, and focusing on all the other aspects of running a fitness facility can be overwhelming.

With Untapped Revenue, owners can focus more on providing a top-quality service instead of constantly chasing new leads. Our done-for-you service gets bodies in your doors.

Not leads. Not appointments. People interested in joining your facility walking through your doors.

This way you can focus on what you do best - helping people become the best version of themselves!

How We Do It

In order to build a sustainable membership growth system that can consistently and predictably bring new members in your doors, we follow this framework.



We assess your current bottleneck holding your studio back.



We plan our strategy around proven tactics working today.



We constantly test and adapt our strategy so we can constantly improve.



We implement and systemize what works and scrap the rest.



Lastly, we double down on what's working and scale.

This Is How You Build A Growth System That Works..

Whether you are struggling with lead generation, appointment setting, show up rates, sales, or retention, every bottleneck can be solved with the right systems and procedures.

Lead flow means nothing if your leads don't show up. And if leads show up but don't sign up for memberships or only stay for 2 months, then even those show ups mean nothing.

Once you have a marketing system built on a growth foundation, you always know how well your studio is doing because you can see your numbers and pinpoint issues to fix them.

About Untapped Revenue

We’ve been working as fitness studio growth partners since 2017...

We're on a mission to help 500 Gym/Fitness Studios double memberships and reclaim their time, freeing them to focus on growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Untapped Revenue helps people transform their lives by finding them an exercise program, community, and support system that fits their needs. We partner with fitness studios and plug them into our growth engine to help them change the lives of people in their communities



332 Gosling Gardens, Guelph, Ontario, N1L0P8

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